Wednesday, March 17, 2010

making blankets, baby stuff, and baking cakes cupcakes. who am I?

HAHAHA It's just me making things, baking cakes, cupcakes, and doing lil projects here and there. I'm out of my comfort zone and exploring a whole new world to life lol made you laugh. Yes I am out of my zone, I love it!!!! I plan on going back to school and become a Dental Hygenist in 4 years though but still I am doing it. Taking care of my husband and my 3 babies Brayson, Paige and lil Chance. They are a joy to have. Brayson and Paige both crack me up they are funny.... I don't know where we were but Paige says "mom how do you SPELL YMCA" I had to laugh I said "Honey you just spelled it" lol Priceless!!! I think it was yesterday at breakfast before school Brayson was talking about girls and how one of his friends get chased by some girls at school all of sudden out of the cornor of my eye his arm goes up into a fist and his friends said " These girls will never catch me alive" I about lost it I started to choke on my food it was funny!! Another priceless moment by the English Kids!!!!!! Chance is getting into everything but he is such a cute kid you can't get mad.... Today I'm baking a cake and Paige wants to go outside but of course left the door open and Chance decides to be a big boy and follow his big sister outside I look up and he is half way out the door. I follow after he gets all the way outside I told Paige to watch him, afer a minute or so I go outside he crawled his way to the BBQ and he's in the rocks with dirt all over him. Its true what they say after 2 kids you don't really care what the 3rd does.. He's covered in dirt face clothes feet I just laughed. Precious moments I love this stage. I love being a mom and love being a mom to Brayson and Paige and lil Chance I am truly blessed!!!!!


  1. Yay!! I have your blog now! Will stay in touch.

  2. The spelling of YMCA made me laugh! Kids are so fun!
