Saturday, May 21, 2011

Essential Oils

Well let me introduce to you a new and extremely awesome product that I came across. DoTERRA Essential Oils they are amazing. I use past tense when I have a tension headache and Trent uses it as well. I bought a kit and it has Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Melaleuca, Frankincense, Deep Blue, Oregano, On Guard, Breathe, DigestZen. I also have bought more to add to what I already own, those are Eucalyptus,purify, Wild Orange, Clove, Lemongrass, Cypress, Slim and Sassy. Now stop looking at me like I'm crazy because they will blow your mind. THEY WORK no joke!! Back in 2009 my husband Trent got into a car accident head on. Well that day was not fun,,, So anyways he walked away from that accident and the only thing that hurt him was his hip and he still is in a lot of pain. I rub Deep Blue on his left side and he isn't in any pain. Amazing right.. I know. Well I use them for my family health. Chance was stuffy the other night and had a little bit of congestion in his nose and chest so I get up in the middle of the night and rub Eucalyptus on his chest and nose and when he got up I rubbed some more on him and it took it away. No more stuffy or congestion in his chest and nose. I rub all my kids including my husband down with Lavender before bed to help them relax and sleep. Essential Oil can help with anything. I will give you a list of how they can help.
Emergency Oils
1.)Clove - Good for acne, constipation, headaches,nausea,and toothaches.
2.)Frankincense- It facilitates clarity of mind, accelerates all skin recovery issues, and reduces anxiety and mental and physical fatigue.
3.) Lavender- Use for agitation, bruises, burns (can mix with Melaleuca), Leg cramps, herpes, heart irregularities, hives, insect bites.
4.) Lemon- use for arthritis, colds, constipation, coughs, cuts, sluggishness, sore throats, sunburn, wounds.
5.) Lemongrass- use for sore and cramping muscles and Charley horses.
6.) Melaleuca- Use for bug bites, colds, coughs, cuts, deodorant, eczema, fungus, infections(ear, nose throat).
7.) Oregano- Use for heavy-duty antibiotic Always Dilute.
8.) Peppermint- Circulation, fever, headache, indigestion, motion, sickness, nausea, nerves problems or vomiting.
9.)Aroma Touch- Use for relaxation and stress relief.
10.) Breathe- Use for allergies, anxiety, asthma, bronchitis, congestion, colds, cough, flu and respiratory distress.
11.) Deep Blue- Use pain relief. Works well in arthritis, bruises, carpel tunnel, headaches, joint pain, muscle pain, sprains.
12.) DigestZen- Digestion system
13.) On Guard- Use to disinfect all surfaces. It eliminates mold and viruses and helps to boost immune system.
14.) Purify- Use for airborne pathogens, cuts, germs(on any surface, insect bites
15.) TerraShield- Deters all flying insects and ticks from human bodies and pets

I know they work from experience. I just wrote you a list of the Emergency Oils they are a ton more and they help in all areas. leave a comment if you have any questions or you can visit my website

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