Thursday, August 2, 2012

SuMmEr 2012

This summer has just flown bye in a blink of the eye! Brayson is going into 5th grade, Paige is going into 3rd grade, mom went back to school and took a 5 1/2 week course to become an CNA and I love it!!! I never really thought I'd enjoy the nursing field but it turns out I have a special gift and yes that is standing the smell of poop!!! People often tell me when I mention "yea I want to be a CNA and move up in my career" their reaction "oh my" that's a ruff job. Think about it isn't every job HARD??!!!!!!!!!!!! The answer your looking for is Yes every job is hard. If you have a job in this economy than just be thankful! My kids are wonderful and lets face it there are just kids! Oh the lovely never ending melt downs my oh my! Chance has melts downs like I've never seen before, Screams, cry's, and who knows what else! I was at fresh and easy on day and I turned off his movie, and WOW there it is never ending tantrum holy cow and it was over me turning of his movie, so as I'm getting him out a older lady is just staring at me. Let me remind you I just turned off his movie, so anyways as she's staring at me I'm sure she is thinking I'm beating my child no that's not the case so my steam and frustrating starts to build and I wanting to say take a picture it will last longer!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT I didn't, shocker right, I know I was shocked too! Geese some people! HAHAHA If you have kids you know what I mean you can't avoid the staring, judging, or talk. Just remember that if your judging, somebody is judging you! I let my kids be kids even though they try my patience they make life enjoyable!!!

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