Monday, November 9, 2009


So I was walking and my kids love to walk right in front of me and I told Paige to move and dont walk in front of me because I will fall, what do you know I fall. Scary part I was hold ing Chance our baby my first thought was protect Chance and his head, so I covered him with my arm the best I could and fel right on my knees WOW that hurt. How it happened it was so fast but Paige tripped me and I fell but I didn't want to fall on top of him so I used my knees when I hit the ground I put my left hand out to kinda catch myself and I felt Chance's leg on my hip so I turned my body so he wouldn't feel the impact. He got scared and started to cry, Trent helped me up I was worried about Chance checked his body 5 or 6 times nothing he was fine the only thing he had was dust from the pavement on his hand, me two scratched up knees and a swollen ancle as long as chance was okay I didn't care what happened to me. Oh oy am I sore today

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